STINKY Sweet & Loving Memories

Sweet Stinky



During an unfortunate period of time, I worked at a Dairy. Talk about animal mistreatment. And he was 1000 times better to his herd then most. I am glad I am not there anymore, but I am also very delighted that I was there when our second dog "Stinky" came into our life. She was named Stinky because one of the workers had mentioned that she was stinky. Guess what, it caught on. Therefore the name "Stinky" was born. She is part Labrador Retriever and Blue Heeler or at least what she looked like. She showed up during the winter and kept some of us workers entertained. I would stay with her for a while after work and keep her company. At least for a while. It broke my heart to have to leave her. I would put her in the shop at night, which was a little warmer then outside, to protect her from the weather. 

When I arrived in the morning she would be in the heated feed truck with the feeder. Thank God he was a animal lover. Well, after being there for about a couple weeks, the foreman said he was going to take the dog to the pound because it was too dangerous for the dog and it was causing problems. Truthfully, he was a butt head and I also think the boss suggested it. He hated dogs. Every night I would tell my mom about the dog and she would later get biscuits and a flea collar for the dog. Then one Friday I told ole' mom that Stinky was head for the pound. I honestly was pulling on her heart strings and her love for dogs. The next morning mom and dad arrived at the dairy and Stinky went home with them.

She was so so sweet to us from the beginning but, did look a little mean. She didn't care much for strangers and really didn't like kids. She was so trusting that I could hold her upside down and she didn't even flinch. When I came through the front door, she would run full speed from across the room and leap into my arms. Just loved it when she did that. She loved to be held and would cuddle with all family members. 

Her favorite past times were eating. She would jump on the chair and nudge her way behind you when you ate. She loved to eat cucumbers like they were bones to her. Gave her Jell-O one day and the strangest thing happened. She took a bite, spit it out, then urinated on it, yes pee. Another thing was chasing the trash truck. Every trash pick-up day, she could hear the trash truck coming from down the street. She would start squealing and yelping. We would open the door and she would go nuts running around the yard barking at the trash truck. This was soooo important to her. Walking was another favorite of hers. We would take her out to a field near the house and she just enjoyed exploring the same old spots everyday.

We got her when Fuji was getting old and ill. We felt that his time was getting nearer and nearer. He was sluggish and didn't like doing anything much. When Stinky came, Fuji started to get a little more spunky. Damn, the little fart was in love with him and wouldn't leave his side. He acted if he was bothered by this, but honestly, I think he loved her too. Heck, he live another two to three years. Stinky was a God send. We were very lucky on the dogs that brought into the lives of our family. She will be sincerely missed (I still think about her today) and loved deeply forever. And you wonder why all dogs go to heaven, there is no where else they can go. We miss you STINKY!!!!!

NOTE: More Info Will Be Added Later As UpDates.



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A Prayer For Animals 

Hear our humble prayer, O God,
for our friends the animals,
especially for animals who are suffering;
for any that are hunted or lost or deserted 
or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put to death.
We entreat for them all Thy mercy and pity, 
and for those who deal with them 
we ask a heart of compassion, gentle hands and kindly words. 
Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to animals
and so to share the blessings of the merciful.

-Albert Schweitzer

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