It is been hard to want to write about the death of loving pets. So I will try to tell you about our new addition. We had lost our special friend and family member JR (Border Collie) December 12th 2004 at the age of 15. He had been ill for a little while progressively getting worse. During this time, a little neighborhood stray had strayed into our lives. He was a Dachshund/Chihuahua mixed pup less than a year old named "Alex" owned by some people down the street who let him run free around the neighborhood. Most people were worried that he would get run over by a car or attacked by other dogs. 

He would visit everyone in the neighborhood and was loved by most everyone. We would see all the kids hugging him all the time. Later we found out that he spent the night with a few of our neighbors. Sleeping in their beds. That wasn't smart of them because he is now tell alot of juicy stuff. Most of the people wanted him and even ask the owner if they would let have have Alex which thank God they answered no. 

During this time he would visit us and bring brief but very well needed happiness to our home. He would wait until our car drove in the driveway and there he was waiting by the door. Because the failing health of JR, Alex's visits brought ray of sunshine into our lives. When he entered the house he would go straight to the kitchen and beg for food. Then he would run around the house, visit JR and cuddle with everyone. Mom especially love this because she could hold Alex in her arms which was impossible with 40 to 60 pound dogs. 

JR was getting worse but still eating and pooping. Our hearts were breaking many times over to see what was once an athletic dog progressing into a near cripple. Christmas was looking very bleak. But right now, who care about the holidays. We were concerned about JR. This Christmas we didn't even put up a Christmas tree. Just wasn't in the mood, I guess. Alex's visits were 5 to 7 days a week. Which help alot during these hard times. We always had a dog in our household when our other doggies had past away. We even ask the owners if we could have Alex. The answer being no. 

On December 12th, 2004, we lost our precious buddy JR. It was a Sunday morning and just about the worst day in many years. The days to follow were sad and lonely. Alex hadn't visited a frequent. All this time we were thinking of another dog but, were gun shy of losing another pet. It just hurts too much. Between the 12th and 24th Alex would only show up half as much. Even though there was someone always looking out the window for him and walking out the door, he still didn't come as often. 

Christmas Eve shows up. No one was in a real Christmasy type of mood when all the sudden outside the door sits a very cute Dachshund & Chihuahua mix sitting at the door. Alex came to spend Christmas with us. Little to say, he made December 24th......... Christmas Eve. At the time I was not in speaking terms with my brother and his visit changed that. He just turn what was going to be a bleak day into a fun and happy day for our family. He even showed up for Christmas dinner and was invited in with open arms. Thanks to Alex, Christmas was a success. 

Well, Sunday comes and we were hoping to see the that little angel but he never showed. Monday morning we start looking a still didn't see him. Tuesday we start looking again and still no Alex. If he didn't come over we would still see him around. We even checked with the kids and they hadn't seen them. So, just out of the blue I decide to call the pound to see if he was picked up. They say that a lady in the street next to us brought him in. They said that if no one claims him by Friday, it would be first come first get. Boy were we happy. This was the chance we were waiting for. Even asked if we could foster the dog until Friday. But they have their rules. Now all we had to do is keep it quiet and Alex would be our Friday morning. 

It was a long long day to have think and discuss the situation. Just keep quiet. Don't tell anyone. Wednesday comes, we all decide that we had no other choice but to tell the owners that Alex was at the pound. At least he would not stay another night in lock up. We told them and they decided they they would let us have Alex and we became Alex's new family December 29th. The best Christmas present ever!!! That afternoon Alex, now known as "Alex JR". Which is now JR. Yes, he is little JR!!!. It has been about a month and a half and it seems that he has been with us for years. I call him a "Smile Machine". Because, he makes everyone smile when you look at him. Though I still mourn the passing of Big JR (I know, it's confusing) Little JR makes it a bit easier to cope with. Please check back and I will add some entertaining stories and believe me, there will be many. See you later!!!!!

Monday November 28th, 2005
Sorry it has been so long since I last wrote anything. Just having way too much fun. Not a day goes by with out a little giggling and laughter. JR does just about what he wants and doesn't like to be told what to do. Actually, while I am writing on the bed with my laptop, JR jumped on my back to see what I was doing or eating. 

He gets walked 3 to 4 times a day all over the neighborhood. Where we found that he is a local celebrity. People will stop to pick him up and hug him. They are kids who are walking to school, cars driving past stopping and doors on houses swinging open. Voices from all directions yelling JR. Getting invited in backyards so the kids can play with him. Dogs love to play with JR. Shoot there is even a cat that will come to him nose to nose.  Strangers that have never seen him want to pet him. I always thought he was cute, but a I really think he is to others too. It's those cute little sad eyes that he can do so well.

When he gets excited he will run around the house so fast it is a wonder that he doesn't hit something. And it is so funny too. He also like to chase the trash truck from the back yard and when he gets walked. Sometimes that maybe two to three blocks. He likes to play "catch me if you can", CAN'T!!!!! He is crazy about doggie toys, especially squeakers. One squeaker, his favorite, he act as if he was play some sort of music. Honestly, he plays different tones and length of tones. It's really cute!!! Another past time is bite fights. Not vicious but OUCHY!!! 

Everyday is just about a circus around here. He is very funny in that he doesn't get bother by anything. Yelling, loud noises, quick movements, etc. Anything that would scare most dogs he just looks at you with that "WHAT!!!" look. He once got tangled in the telephone cord and just stood there waiting and as soon as he was loose he just walks away nonchalant as if nothing happened.  I was playing with him and he slipped out of my arms, down the couch and into a plastic trash can upside down. He just looks up at me wondering if I can fit in there. Didn't even squirm or move.

I have a nick-name for him. It is "wiggly butt".  When he walks slowly, he wiggles his butt better then Marilyn Monroe could. It's so funny. He also has two little eyes on his rump that is hilarious. Ergo, "butthead". That nick-name may be for other reasons too. You can't stay mad around here for long. Not with all the funny stuff going on. More people talking and laughing. What great therapy!!! And cheap too!!!

Well Christmas is near and it will be almost a year. A friend has a made life a little easier. And of course, it's a DOG. In case I don't return before Christmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS. I am working on another gallery. Got a bunch of neat pics and stories that I may have forgotten and will surely happen. Check back. See Ya!!! 

NOTE: More Info Will Be Added Later As UpDates.


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