Poems by Candi

I sincerely hope that these poem's written by my very talented, beautiful niece Candi touch your heart and soul as they do mine.  I love you AngelFace, now, forever and always!!



Close your eyes and believe.
It will come if you believe..
The moment you have been waiting for your whole entire life.
When you hear those four words
" I believe in you"
Suddenly a gasp of air takes you to a state of mind that one else can see but 
Close your eyes and believe.......
Honor,serenity, and respect are voicing their actions through your tears.
Do you believe? I do
With those breath taking words and those overwhelming tears
I close my eyes and I believe mircales can happen. 
Only if you close your eyes and believe...



The sweet taste in my mouth I remember you...
The tears in my eyes I remember you...
The heart I have I remember you...
The sun rises and sets. Each day goes by..
Each year passes..People come and go but as I wake up and I fall asleep..
I do remember like it was yesterday...



A great person once said beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I have lied to myself for many years thinking I was ugly and

unattractive.  I did not realize what I was saying or doing to myself.

I would put myself down for no reason at all.  We our all God's creation!!

Each person is beautiful in their own special and unique way.  The

biggest enemy was myself.  Beautiful was not considered a thought...

Now, I realize that I am beautiful no matter what anyone says.  A

person who judges another by what is on the outside should take a

look in the mirror and see what they really are and that is insecure

and unhappy about who they are.

To learn to love yourself you have to believe in who you are,

"A beautiful person".  You have to beat your worst enemy and that is

yourself.  Once you have done that you are beautiful inside and out.

You have to love yourself no matter what people say.


I want you to know...

I want to be with you but I don't know how.  I love you but I don't know why.

I want to know when you are going to pay attention to me.  I want to

know if you actually care.  I want to know so many answers but the

questions are never asked.  I want to know what you think but I can not read

your mind. I want to know why you said the things you said.  I want to know your intentions but

how can I when you put others first and me second.

I want you to know why you loved me when it seemed that I did not love you.

I want you to know why I did the things I did. I want you to know

that I loved you and maybe still do.  I want you to know that I was with

another because he gave me what you lacked and that was love.  I want you

to know that I did not love him as much as I love you.  I want you to know

that you were always on the back of my mind. I want you to know that I

didn't care for you once.  I want you to know that more than once I thought

of you as a lover and an husband.  I want you to know that I did not believe

you when you said I was beautiful.  I want you to know that I thought our

relationship would no work.  I wanted you to know that in a way you've

showed me that love between two peiple can actually exist.  I wanted to tell

you that you have helped me believe that I could love another.  I want to

tell you that I want you again...



 Your sorrow was lost in my eyes, the wisdom you had I took to

heart. The courage you showed I tried to give.. The beauty we had was

unforgettable.. YOur confusion brought tears to my eyes.

I do not know where to go or what to do.  I was in love with you and

you walked away without a chance of hope. You took away what

happiness I had. You took my strength and heart into pieces like the path of a raging storm. I can't handle this, I want to hate you but I

won't. I can't hate someone if they do not know what it is their angry

at. I want so much for you to think about me or even miss me but I do

not get that chance because you did not let me show you what I had to

give. Many lonely nights I lay awake wndering and thinking about

our every moment together.  Wondering if there was enen a chance of

hope and love still there.

I can not change how you feel inside, I do not have the power or

courage too. I wish for one moment that I could go back and change

what was felt and said. I will never forget what you said to me and the wonderful moments we shared and the unspoken love we had for

one another.....


An Angel Broken..........

In the world of sorrow an angel lies.... Broken and

battered.  Confused and disorientated to the world.  She lays

awake thinking that she will never recover to happiness that

was once there. She cries out many tears that no one will ever

hear. She feels alone. She is trying to protect what she keeps

inside. Demons are on her trail... They try to tell you what you

need and what you want... All you demons that run my life

save my soul and go back to hell.... She closes her eyes and

pictures a perfect life.  The promise of a better life is soon to

come.  You give everything you have and yet get nothing in

return.  Still in despair and sorrow she wonders if she will

ever be the angel she once was....






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