The warm and furry pets in our lives need attention too!

                      choncy sitting up.jpg (24446 bytes)         





Precious.jpg (9356 bytes)          Precious standing.jpg (8580 bytes)



                                            Kiki best.jpg (19239 bytes)                                bubby.jpg (46646 bytes)                                      

                                         KiKi                                   Bubby

kitty couch round final.jpg (11074 bytes)

Kitty Bed  50.00 + shipping 

**This bed is custom made to the colors of your choice**


kitty couch twin cushion final.jpg (9346 bytes)

Kitty Couch with Twin Cushion 65.00 + shipping 

**This couch is custom made to the colors of your choice**



pet pillow.jpg (23588 bytes)

Pet Pillow  20.00 + shipping

**This pillow is custom made to the colors of your choice**



Lucy.JPG (6016 bytes)           Pooh.JPG (6776 bytes)            Angelbear.JPG (3538 bytes)                     TeddyBearpic.jpg (15252 bytes)

      Lucy              Pooh        Angel Bear                 Teddy

pookie best.jpg (11084 bytes)


peaches1.jpg (19310 bytes)                      spikie.jpg (6219 bytes)                          spike.gif (92616 bytes) 

                      Peaches                    Spike                      Big Spike



snowy.jpg (18290 bytes)






PC.jpg (497376 bytes) My name is PC, I love my bed!!




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